Vol.12 No.6 2016年11月30日
定価:2,970円(本体2,700円 + 税10%)
ISBNコード:ISBN978-4-903043-73-9 C3447 ¥2700E
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・・・東邦大学医療センター大橋病院循環器内科 中村正人
1.Introduction and Prospect of HBD Activities
・・・独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構医療機器審査第二部 岩元 真
2)Prospect of HBD Activities and Expectations for Future ~ Academia's View
・・・湘南鎌倉総合病院循環器科 齋藤 滋
3)Prospect of HBD Activities and Expectations for Future ~ Industry's View
・・・一般社団法人 日本医療機器産業連合会 国際政策戦略委員会 HBD分科会 関口和亮
4)Prospect of HBD Activities and Expectations for Future ~Regulator’s View
・・・ Mansfield Fellow(From FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health) Kenneth J. Cavanaugh Jr.
1)Evidences Reviewed in the Approval of BRS ~ Absorb Ⅲ
・・・Abbott Vascular, Chief Medical Officer Charles Simonton
2)Evidences Reviewed in the Approval of BRS ~ Absorb Japan
・・・帝京大学医学部附属病院循環器内科 上妻 謙
3)Evidences Reviewed in the Approval of BRS ~ FDA Panel Recommendations
・・・ Mansfield Fellow(From FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health) Kenneth J. Cavanaugh Jr.
4)Remaining Concerns ~ USA’s Concern
・・・ Mansfield Fellow(From FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health) Kenneth J. Cavanaugh Jr.
5)Remaining Concerns ~ PMDA’s Concern
・・・独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構医療機器審査第三部 大内貴司
6)Expansion of Indication for a Newly Approved Device
・・・Abbott Vascular, Chief Medical Officer Charles Simonton
1)Appropriate PCI ~ Opinion from Academia
・・・福岡山王病院循環器内科 横井宏佳
2)Appropriate PCI ~ Regulatory Concern
・・・独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構医療機器審査第三部 方 眞美
3)Evidences Reviewed in the Approval of CT FFR ~ Clinical Trial
・・・Aarhus University Hospital Skejby, Department Cardiology Bjarne Nørgaard
4)What is the Best Way to Introduce CT-FFR in Daily Practice? ~ Regulatory Opinion
・・・厚生労働省保険局医療課 國光文乃
5)What is the Best Way to Introduce CT-FFR in Daily Practice?~ Opinion from Industry
・・・ハートフロー・ジャパン合同会社 川畑佳樹
4.Prevention from Bleeding
1)Key Lecture:Significance of Bleeding Complication
・・・東北大学加齢医学研究所加齢制御研究部門基礎加齢研究分野 堀内久徳
2)New Type of DES Proposed for Preventing Bleeding ~ Proposal from Industry (1)
・・・Biosensors International, Chief Medical Officer Hans-Peter Stoll
3)New Type of DES Proposed for Preventing Bleeding ~Proposal from Industry(2)
・・・Boston Scientific, Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer, Interventional Cardiology Craig A. Thompson
4)Subset of the Patients Who Are at High Risk of Bleeding ~Opinion from Industry
・・・Biosensors International, Chief Medical Officer Hans-Peter Stoll
5)Subset of the Patients Who Are at High Risk of Bleeding ~Opinion from Academia
・・・Duke University Medical Center, Professor of Medicine / Cardiology
・・・Duke Clinical Research Institute, Director, Cardiovascular Devices Unit Mitchell W. Krucoff
6)Subset of the Patients Who Are at High Risk of Bleeding ~Opinion from PMDA
・・・独立行政法人医薬品医療機器総合機構医療機器審査第三部 白井裕子